How to Localize Products for Multi Storefront BigCommerce Stores: A Strategic Guide

May 30, 2024

In today's rapidly expanding global e-commerce landscape, leveraging multi storefront BigCommerce platforms represents a strategic opportunity for businesses aiming to scale and diversify their online presence. The adaptation of storefronts to cater to various markets through localization is crucial, as it plays a significant role in optimizing customer experiences across different regions. This approach not only strengthens a brand’s international footprint but also meets the growing demand for personalized shopping experiences. By employing localization strategies, including multi-language, multi-currency, and localized product offerings, businesses can significantly enhance user engagement and conversion rates.

This article delves into the intricacies of localizing products for multi storefront BigCommerce stores, focusing on understanding the multi-storefront functionality and the benefits it brings to the global e-commerce strategy. It lays out a step-by-step guide detailing how to effectively implement localization strategies within the BigCommerce environment, leveraging advanced features such as GraphQL for dynamic storefront commerce, and exploring the benefits of headless commerce for seamless multi-site expansion. By the conclusion, readers will gain valuable insights into optimizing their BigCommerce stores for a diverse, international audience, ensuring a streamlined checkout process, and adopting multi-payment solutions tailored to each market's preferences.

Understanding Multi-Storefront Functionality

Key Features of Multi-Storefront Functionality

  1. Centralized Management: Multi-Storefront functionality allows businesses to manage multiple online storefronts from a single BigCommerce dashboard. This centralized approach simplifies operations, reducing the need for multiple systems and integrations, thereby decreasing ongoing maintenance costs and complexities.
  2. Customization and Personalization: Each storefront can be uniquely tailored to target specific markets or customer segments. Businesses can customize themes, set default currencies, personalize transactional emails, and manage newsletter subscribers all from one place. This level of customization enhances the shopping experience for different demographics.
  3. Scalability and Flexibility: As businesses expand, the Multi-Storefront system supports growth without the need for additional resources. Companies can effortlessly create and manage custom storefront experiences for new markets or brands, streamlining operations and focusing on growth.
  4. Unified Analytics and Insights: A unified data source provides powerful insights, allowing businesses to analyze performance holistically or focus on specific storefronts. This data-driven approach helps in making informed decisions to optimize operations and marketing strategies.
  5. Efficient Product and Pricing Management: With Multi-Storefront, adding new products or updating pricing is done once and reflected across all storefronts. This eliminates duplication of efforts and ensures consistency across channels.
  6. Enhanced Customer Experience: By providing localized storefronts and tailored shopping experiences, businesses can meet the unique needs of various markets, thereby improving customer satisfaction and loyalty.

By leveraging these features, businesses using BigCommerce can effectively manage multiple storefronts, ensuring a consistent and personalized customer experience while optimizing operational efficiency and scalability.

Benefits of Localizing Products on BigCommerce

Faster Market Expansion

Localizing products on BigCommerce facilitates rapid expansion into new markets. By enabling quicker launches of storefronts globally, businesses can swiftly act on their international expansion plans. This agility in setting up localized storefronts allows companies to capitalize on emerging market opportunities without significant delays.

Enhanced Customer Experience

By localizing the shopping experience from product discovery to checkout, BigCommerce helps tailor the customer journey for each market. Customers benefit from shopping in their local language with prices displayed in their currency, enhancing their overall experience and satisfaction. This familiarity increases the likelihood of conversion and fosters customer loyalty.

Simplified Store Management

BigCommerce's multi-storefront capabilities allow businesses to manage their global operations from a single backend. This centralization simplifies the administrative process, making it easier to implement changes and optimize the storefronts. Businesses can manage product information, pricing, and promotions across all markets efficiently, reducing the operational burden and minimizing errors.

Reduced Custom Development Needs

The platform's robust features empower business users to launch, test, and iterate on localized storefronts with minimal reliance on custom development. This not only lowers the investment required but also speeds up the process of adapting to local markets. By reducing the complexity and risk associated with custom solutions, BigCommerce enables businesses to focus on growth and customer engagement.

Steps to Localize Products for Multi-Storefront Stores

Setting Up Localized Storefronts

To effectively localize products for multi-storefront BigCommerce stores, businesses must first set up individual storefronts tailored to specific regional markets. This involves configuring the storefront's design, language, and operational settings to align with local consumer preferences and regulatory requirements.

Customizing Product Information

Once storefronts are established, the next step is customizing product information to resonate with local audiences. This includes translating product descriptions, adjusting images, and ensuring that all content reflects local cultural nuances. Such customization enhances the relevancy of the products to the targeted market, improving engagement and sales potential.

Managing Regional Pricing and Promotions

Pricing strategies and promotional offers should be adapted to reflect the economic conditions and competitive landscape of each region. This step involves setting appropriate price points and creating region-specific promotions that can drive sales without eroding profit margins. Effective management of regional pricing and promotions ensures that businesses remain competitive and attractive to local consumers.

Adjusting Language and Content

Critical to localization is the adjustment of language and content across all storefronts. This not only includes translating the text but also adapting the messaging to align with local communication styles and preferences. Ensuring that language and content are appropriate for each market helps in building trust and enhancing the customer experience.

Advanced Localization Features for Multi-Storefront

Unique Payment Configurations

Multi-storefront BigCommerce stores can tailor payment options to suit the diverse preferences of international markets. This feature allows merchants to offer localized payment methods, ensuring that customers can transact using solutions they trust and are familiar with. By configuring unique payment gateways for each storefront, businesses enhance the convenience and security of transactions, leading to improved customer satisfaction and increased conversion rates.

Shipping and Tax Zones

Effective management of shipping and tax configurations is crucial for international commerce. BigCommerce enables the setup of distinct shipping rules and tax rates for different regions, accommodating varying regulations and logistics requirements. This customization ensures that each storefront operates under the appropriate guidelines, simplifying compliance and optimizing the delivery process for enhanced customer experiences.

Image and Variant Overrides

To resonate with local markets, businesses can utilize the advanced feature of image and variant overrides within their multi-storefront setups. This allows for the display of region-specific product images and variants, catering to local tastes and preferences. Such tailored presentations of products not only attract a targeted audience but also significantly boost engagement by aligning with the cultural and aesthetic expectations of each market.


Throughout this article, we have explored the vital importance of localizing products for multi storefront BigCommerce stores, highlighting how such strategies significantly enhance user experiences and drive sales across various regions. From centralized management and customization options to the intricate details of product information and pricing adjustments tailored for different markets, the roadmap laid out ensures businesses can efficiently cater to a diverse, global audience. These steps highlight the path towards a seamless, personalized shopping journey, bolstering international growth and customer satisfaction.

As businesses aim to expand their reach, the agility and comprehensive features of BigCommerce's multi storefront capabilities emerge as pivotal in adapting to the unique demands of each market. The benefits of employing such localization strategies are clear, leading to faster market expansion, enhanced customer experiences, and streamlined store management. For those looking to effectively harness the power of multi storefronts on BigCommerce, connecting with MLVeda for their expertise could streamline the journey towards achieving a robust global presence. The journey towards international e-commerce success is complex, yet with the right strategies and partners, it is entirely within reach.


1. What does multi-storefront mean in BigCommerce?
Multi-Storefront in BigCommerce refers to the capability of operating multiple online storefronts from a single BigCommerce store. Each storefront can feature its own distinct domain, design theme, product categories, web pages, social media profiles, pricing structures, email templates, and more.

2. How can I modify the default language in my BigCommerce store?
To change the language settings in BigCommerce, navigate to 'Store Setup' then 'Store Profile' within the BigCommerce control panel. Scroll to the Locale settings section, where you can select your preferred Default country and Default language from the dropdown menus provided.

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